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Health & Disease Management in Dairy Farming
Animal Health and Disease Management
Learning Objectives (1:38)
Critical Infectious Diseases that you need to watch out for
Manage diseases effectively in your farm and increase profits (2:38)
How do you identify Foot and Mouth Disease and prevent it ? (6:26)
What is Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (HS) and how do you prevent it? (1:56)
What is Black Quarter (BQ) and how to prevent it? (2:03)
How can Brucellosis affect your dairy animals and even your health? (4:18)
What is Theileriosis and how do you prevent it ? (2:16)
What are the vaccinations required and how to get them done ? (2:19)
Diseases that are transmitted by ticks and flies
What is Anaplasmosis and what are the symptoms ? (2:26)
What is Babesiosis and what are the symptoms? (1:41)
What is Trypanosomiasis or Surra and how to prevent it ? (1:58)
Diseases in dairy animals that occur after calving or giving birth
What is hypocalcaemia or milk fever and how should you prevent it ? (2:55)
What is Downer's Cow Syndrome and how is it linked to Milk Fever ? (1:54)
What is Ketosis and how do you prevent it ? (3:14)
What is Post Parturient Haemoglobinurea ? (1:00)
What is Retention of Placenta (ROP) and how should you do to prevent it ? (2:17)
Why does Oedema or swelling of udder happen? (0:55)
Why does hypomagnesemia happen in dairy animals ? (0:52)
Diseases in dairy animals due to poor feeding practices
What is Bloat and why does it happen ? (2:39)
Learn about acidosis in detail and prevent it from happening to your animals (4:10)
Learn to reduce lameness (Laminitis) in your animals (6:14)
How do you control Infection of Udder or Mastitis ?
What is Mastitis and what are its different types ? (3:48)
What is sub-clinical mastitis and how do you perform the Caliafornia Mastitis Test ? (3:59)
Why does in-pregnancy or dry cow mastitis happen in your dairy animals? (3:13)
What causes infection in the udder of dairy animals ? (2:27)
How do you prevent and control mastitis in your farm? (4:09)
Dry cow therapy and ten "Must Do" procedures to fight mastitis (4:29)
What care should you provide if your animal gets affected by mastitis ? (2:19)
Health Procedures and Diseases in Calves
How do you dehorn the calves ? (1:28)
Diseases in Calves that you should look out for (1:43)
Why does diarrhea happen in calves ? (0:49)
How do you prevent diarrhea from happening to your calves ? (3:21)
How do you prevent infection of navel cord in new born calves ? (0:55)
What is pneumonia and why does is happen in calves ? (2:52)
What is wormload in calves and how do you control it ? (0:56)
What kind of mineral deficiencies can happen in calves ? Learn how to prevent them. (0:53)
What steps should you take if your calf gets affected by diarrhea ? (1:58)
Other health problems in dairy animals
Why does Rabies occur in dairy animals and how to protect yourself ? (2:54)
What happens to your animals in case of foreign body syndrome ? (2:46)
How do you identify Foot and Mouth Disease and prevent it ?
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